শনিবার, ৬ জুলাই, ২০১৩

Before The War: Jensen & Levi


Januas't 3rd, 3044. 4pm.

Winter still continued, creeping into Saloriel steadily. The air was chilly, but decidedly crisp. Just as winter promised, Saloriels backdrop has been transformed. Deep colored clouds hovered around them, giving the city a sort of despairing-doom feel. Snow decorated the streets, manufactured snow of-course, with a blueish tint. Nothing compared to the real thing Jensen noted. If he had to choose a season, his favourite was summer. Bikinis! Beaches! Ladies & gentlemen in heat! Oh, the skinship! The only beneficial thing about winter, was how girls sucked themselves to men sides, attracted to their heat and an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. Streaks of sun peeked onto the floating city of Saloriel, shining down on the street he was walking on. Sunglasses on and a charming smile, ladies and men stared at him in awe. Admiring his midnight wings that glistened and spread wide in pride.

Jensen is well aware of the effect he has on people and revels in it. He knows he is undeniably drop-dead gorgeous and oozes charisma to match. He is 6?1? with a muscular, athletic build and fine humour. Men watch him, slack jawed, amazed that one could be blessed with so much and women melted at the mere sight of him. His hair is dark brown but sometimes seen as jet black in certain lighting, like right now. His eyes are an emerald green with hints of orange around the pupil. Such raw looks were admired by the Angelic entities; no one held colors like these anymore or could even access them. The natural colors of the human body had been disregarded when they could create their own kid. However, Jensen had a natural birth. Heh, but nobody knew that. People just thought that his parents paid big bucks to get him like this, or even possibly adopted.

Jensen rounded the corner onto Tak Street toward his current residence, a small, simple, and neat apartment that he currently called home. Before going in, he looked up at the cerulean winter sky to feel the sun on his face. Clouds had started to part and open again. Saloriel looked like it was in summer 90% of the time, the other 10%...winter. Only because their were no trees to show the effects of nature, everything was made out of technology nowadays. He stretched and wrapped his fingers around the door job. Jensen was returning home after spending the night with a beautiful woman he had picked up at a local bar. All he could remember about her was her golden tinted wings.Her name was irrelevant to him, as well as her life story. He pushed open his door and removed his jacket in one smooth motion, throwing it up on the coat rack. He stopped in his tracks and blinked. Sitting on his couch.......

was his mother.

She looked up at him and smiled, red lips and short, wavy auburn hair with a body like cat-woman. She wore black leather pants, a turtle neck, and a bikers jacket. She held out a cream colored package in her hand, between two fingers. It appeared to be a letter. Jensen raised one eyebrow and made his way over, taking it easily from her hands. Grinning, he swatted the letter against an open hand.

?Lookin' good mum, as always. Where's my hug?? he opened his arms, cocking his head to the side ever-so-expertly. A chuckle left her rosy lips as she sat up, he could hear the sound of leather tightening itself against her skin.

?Right here big boy,? she returned his gesture of love, wrapping her small arms around his torso. He pulled her into the tightest hug, lifting her up off her feet and kissing her temple. She giggled, which in return caused him to laugh. He set her down and they stared at one another in silence for a couple of minutes. ?How have you been?? she asked, they hadn't seen each other in over 6 months. She ran her hand down the side of his face, sometimes...sometimes it was hard to be a spy.

?Good mum, I'm doing good.? he took her hand on the side of his face into his own hand and leaned his his head onto hers. He rubbed her hand against his cheek, closing his eyes, enjoying this short moment. With his mother. Just her presence. ?Miss you Mum,? he whispered painfully. He heard her take in a deep breathe.

?I know. I miss you too,? her hand slid from his grasp, and his own hand slouched down to his side. ?Don't look at me like that sweetie, I have to go. Be good, alright?? she perched up onto her tip toes and kissed his cheek, leaving a faint kiss mark. Grinning, he replied with-

?Aren't I always?? he saw her roll her eyes and smile, a clear sign that she found him adorable. She waved goodbye and turned her back to him, heading out the back door. Jensen pouted and made the duck face as he sighed exasperated, slumping onto the couch over-dramatically. He didn't want to admit it, but a part of him wanted to settle down. He had family, and hardly knew them. Would he ever have a family? ?Heh, who am I kidding. We're talking about me, the one-night stand King!? he put those gloomy thoughts in the back of his mind, convincing himself he was satisfied with this way of life. He tore open the letter, scanning his eyes over the contents.

Hargians Bar. 9pm. Blonde Inside informant. Be there. Burn the contents of this letter after you finish reading it. Code: What's darker then night. A sky without light.

-Earth Crawlers

With a flick of his wrist, he threw the letter into the small furnace across from his couch. 9 pm huh? Might as well kill some time. Jensen re-positioned himself on the couch in a laying position. Propping his feet up on the arms and putting his hands behind his head, he closed his eyes and got some shut eye.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/BQGBvVPtsCU/viewtopic.php

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